

7 years lyrics的相關標籤

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關於7 years lyrics的評價, 李昆霖

我們的家教CJ要去美國讀文學博士學位,希望我幫他寫推薦信申請全額奬學金,我當下立刻二話不說幫他寫。兒子跟女兒看到我這樣做,就說:「爸爸你對CJ很好耶」 「那當然,因為我們也很幸運能有CJ當你們的家教...

Fatimah was barely two years old when she made her very first song. Some of you might still remember one of her famous songs from a couple of years back: The Mountain Song! And also, the song that she wrote for her Mamajee - who can ever forget that? The best part is she came up with the lyrics for all her songs spontaneously. Recently, Mr Dad bought her a ukulele, and she’s been very eager to learn how to play. Even though she hasn’t even mastered the basics of the ukulele, she has already made at least 15 songs every day. She might just play random strings, but all her songs are spontaneous - that’s one creative lil’ girl! 😊

Fatimah was barely two years old when she made her...